Our News
Our News

Cafe-style Worship Service
We are having a joint service on the fifth Sunday in the month. The first one will be at Mure Memorial on Sunday 29th September at 11:00am.

Lodging House Mission Summer Newsletter
Find out what is happening at the Lodging House Mission this summer

Thrift Shop Re-Opening
The thrift shop will be re-open on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 in the large hall.
Come along and enjoy Tea/Coffee and home baking etc. and have a look for a bargain from the selection of varied items.
All Welcome.

Correction to The Metro Big Band
There has been a correction to the date for The Metro BIg Band. The correct date is 18th August, at 6.30 p.m. Free admission.

Glasgow North East Food Bank
We have been made aware that Glasgow North East Food Bank is running out of food.
In response to a local appeal we are inviting you

Communion Service 28th July, 2024
The service on Sunday 28th July will include the sacrament of Communion.
Once again, we would ask that anyone wishing to receive communion should please sit in the centre section of the church, for ease of distribution of communion elements.

Fiona’s wonderful adventure
Read on the Church of Scotland website Fiona’s wonderful adventure, which describes the Induction Service and all about Fiona’s history

Induction Service
The Induction Service for our new minister Reverend Fiona Morrison will be on Thursday, 13th June, 2025, at 7 p.m.

BB Junior Section Display 2024
The 137th Junior Section Display took place on Thursday, 9th May, 2024. The evening was enjoyed by all the parents and boys, who put lots of effort and energy into the activities.

Praise Gathering 2024
This event comprises a choir of 400+ singing modern worship songs.
Tickets, priced £29.50, are available to order from Elizabeth Russell or Jane Gould who are singing in the large choir.

Bill Russell
On Sunday, 14th June, 2015, Bill Russell was presented with a certificate to mark over 40 years service as our Church Organist at Mure Memorial. His many years of faithful service to Mure Memorial has been greatly appreciated over the years. It is with great sadness that Bill passed away on the 27th April, 2016. Below is Bill’s Obitury as appeared in the Link, written by Janet Park:

Three 90th Birthday Celebrations
On the 29th , 2015, we enjoyed a lunch to celebrate three of our members reaching 90. Jean Russell, Jimmy Russell and John Coutts definitely enjoyed their day on reaching this remarkable milestone.

Community Fun Day 2014
A fabulous day was enjoyed by all who came along and participated in all the entertainment and activities
available. Many thanks to everyone who attended and to all who contributed in any way to the day.

Queen’s Badge Award Winners 2013
At the Company Section Annual Inspection in 2013, three long-serving young men were awarded the Queen’s Badge after many months of work.