Anne Carmichael Jam Club Retiral

On Sunday, 5th January, 2025, Anne Carmichael was presented with a card and flowers, by Sam,  to mark her retiral from the Jam Club (formerly Sunday School). Moira spoke about Anne’s 40 years as a teacher and the positive impact that she has made to young lives over the years.

She retires with the grateful thanks of the congregation for all her hard work and dedicated service.

Below is a thank you letter from Anne:

It was a lovely surprise last Sunday to receive my bouquet of flowers and card on the occasion of my “retirement ” from the position of Sunday School teacher. I would like to record my thanks to Sam for being such an able presenter, to Moira for her kind words and to all the children I had the privilege of teaching (and learning from!). I would also like to thank the parents and families for their support.

In addition I would like to thank all the Sunday School teachers with whom I worked for their fellowship and friendship,
and also the Sunday School Superintendents for their advice and support. I would particularly like to mention Angela and the Patrick family for their assistance and encouragement over the last few years. Thanks are also due to the Kirk Session and Congregation.
I would hope to continue to support the Church in our work with children and young people.
Anne Carmichael