John and Anna Gallagher Diamond Wedding 2013


Anna (Thomson) and John met through dancing at the Dennistoun
Palais. John was involved in the Boys” Brigade and Anna played piano
for the Life Boys”. They become engaged on 1st January, 1961, with
Anna’s mother stipulating that they “make it a two-year wait.”

They were married on 9th February, 1963, at 6.15 p.m. in Newlands East
Church, London Road (which sadly no longer exists), where Anna’s
father, Hugh Thamson, was church officer.

Anna’s friend, Susan Dunsmare, was bridesmaid. The best man was
William Gallagher (younger brather of John, sadly deceased), and the
page boy was Alec Pate (son of Anna’s causin, also called Anna, there
were four cousins all called Annal)

Rey. Samuel Kennedy, interim moderator at the time, officiated. He hac
just returned fram his brother’s funeral, who had tragically died on the
Princess Victoria crossing fram Stranraer to Larne in the great starm af
31st January, 1963; of 177 passengers, only 44 survived.

The wedding reception was held in the Co-operative Halls, Main Street,
Rutherglen – steak pie being the order of the day.

Anna and John set up home at 868 Landon Road (across fram where
the police station is now situated). At this time houses were scarce, sa
they had to rent, ane of the conditions being that they bought the house
contents. The factors Grant & Wilson are stil in existence.

They moved ta Garrowhill in 1957 and joined Mure Memorial Parish
Church, where they have experienced the ministrations of Robert Kinnis
John Gray, Stuart Rogerson, Allan Vint and currently Malcalm

Daughters Adrienne and Yvonne (born 1960 and 1964 respectively)
were members of the Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, church choir
and Girls’ Brigade. Bath were married in the church – Adrienne in 1984
and Yvonne in 1990

Jahn and Anna met through dancing 60 years ago and although many ot
the venues (the Dennistoun Palais and the Plaza, ta name but twa) are
gone, they are still dancing today at Paisley Town Hall, the Couper
Institute and the Kelvin Hall

Looks like all this dancing may have helped them achieve this fantastic

Best wishes from everyone on this very special occasion.
John and Anna enjoying lunch with friends and family it seemed a shame to spoil the cake by cutting it!