There are many opportunities for all ages to get involved and volunteer in the life of Mure Memorial. Youth organisation leaders, choir members, sound and vision staff for Sunday mornings and lots of other jobs that need done. For further information on how to get involved, email the office@mure.org
Below are more specific volunteering. Please feel free to apply for all the roles if you are comfortable with them.

Web Photographers
Willing and enthusiastic people – hopefully wiith a decent digital camera – would be welcomed to join the Web Administration team, to take photographs that would be used on the church web site. The duties are not demanding but rewarding in meeting new people and expanding your horizons. Young people from the community would be particularly welcomed. If you know of anyone who may benefit from this position, please pass on the information. Email webadmin@mure.org to volunteer.

Assistant Web Administrators
Web Administrators would get involved with the input and creation of content for the church web site. It would be best if you have a reasonable knowledge of working with editors like Microsoft Word. There is not a particularly heavy workload, but the web site would benefit from more people being able to update the site. Open to all ages and skill levels, perhaps particularly good for younger people seeking some information technology experience. Email webadmin@mure.orgto volunteer.

Web Reporters
The church web site would benefit from an increased number of people reporting all the news, special events and activities that go on in the church unnoticed. If you are a member of a group, please consider taking on this role for your organisation. Email webadmin@mure.org to get involved.