Our News
Our News

Christmas Nativity 2017
Sometimes we all get caught up in the commercial side of Christmas and it was nice to pause for breath and remind ourselves that we are celebrating Jesus’ birth. Below are some pictures of the cast. (Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus and the donkey).

Boys’ Brigade Junior Section Dalguise Weekend 2017
From the 28th to 30th April, 2017, 15 Junior Section Boys’ and Staff enjoyed an excellent weekend at Dalguise. The weather was cold but dry and a great time was enjoyed by all the boys. Canoeing, Archery, Orienteering, Survivor, Challenge Course, Burn Walk, Quad Biking and Giant Swing were the daytime activities. Evening activities included Wacky Races and a Quiz Night.

Scavanger Hunt
The Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade organised a fun Scavenger Hunt for the community to enjoy, on Sunday, 17th September, 2017. Over a hundred adults and children took part walkiing round Garrowhill, collecting treasure and hunting for clues around the neighbourhood.

Malcolm’s Leaving Lunch 2017
Our minister, Rev. Malcolm Cuthbertson, for the last 6 years and 7 months has moved on to pastures new at Rutherglen West and Wardlawhill. A hearty lunch at the Rabbie Burns Halls was enjoyed by both Mure Memorial and St Andrew’s congregations to mark this occasion.

Mure Access Project Spring Fayre 2017
On the 25th March, 2017, Mure Memorial held a Spring Fayre in aid of the Mure Access Project, which is to improve access to the church for people with mobility problems. Many people from the church and the Garrowhill community attended on the day which made it a fun and enjoyable time for all.

BB Eastern District Indoor Games 2017
The Boys’ Brigade Junior Section Eastern District Indoor Games Competition was held at the halls of Shettleston Old on Saturday, 25th March. Great fun was had by all the boys who attended. The 137th had a particularly good day, with one group of boys coming 1st and another group of three, who had joined up with two other companies, came 2nd.

Bible Reading & Art Competitions 2017
The Eastern District Boys’ Brigade Junior Section Bible Reading and Art Competitions were held in Kenmure Church on Tuesday, 28th February. The judges found it difficult to separate the boys in both competitions

BB Company Section Camera Class 2017
The Company Section boys enjoyed a three-week course photographic course which culminated in many nice pictures.

John and Anna Gallagher Diamond Wedding 2013
John and Anna Gallagher celebrated their Diamond Wedding with a celebration junch after the Sunday

Christmas Nativity Service 2013
The congregation were treated
to a production of the story of
the birth of Jesus – with a real
live baby actor. Lots of music

New Elders and Long Service Awards 2013
Above: 11 new elders were
ordained on Sunday, 24th
February, 2013, plus 2 were re-

Boys’ Brigade Long Service Award 2013
At the Company Section Annual Inspection, on the 17th May, 2013, Glasgow Battalion Secretary Jim McVean presented 137th Captain John Strachan with two Long Service Awards. One for being captain for 30 years and one for reaching 55 years service with the Boys’ Brigade. An excellent achievement