Our Archive

Community Fun Day 2014
A fabulous day was enjoyed by all who came along and participated in all the entertainment and activities
available. Many thanks to everyone who attended and to all who contributed in any way to the day.

John Coutts – Bon Voyage
After many, many years of service within Mure Memorial, it was good for the congregation to be able to wish farewell to John as he moves down to Southampton to live with his daughter.

Presentation Evening
A presentation evening was held due to the retirement of the Rev. Alex Stuart, Session Clerk Janet Park and a change of job for Child and Youth Worker Douglas Robertson.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Visit
Junior Section Boys’ Brigade
Easterhouse Fire
Station Visit
The Junior Section BB boys enjoyed a visit to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Fire Service station in Easterhouse on Thursday, 28th November, 2019.

Queen’s Badge Award Winners 2013
At the Company Section Annual Inspection in 2013, three long-serving young men were awarded the Queen’s Badge after many months of work.

Boys’ Brigade Long Service Award 2013
At the Company Section Annual Inspection, on the 17th May, 2013, Glasgow Battalion Secretary Jim McVean presented 137th Captain John Strachan with two Long Service Awards. One for being captain for 30 years and one for reaching 55 years service with the Boys’ Brigade. An excellent achievement

One of our Junior Sections boys, Steven Bennie, achieved great success when taking part in the Lord Provost’s COP26 Poetry Competition, by reaching the final of the competition.